Magical, Romantic and Unique BMagical, Romantic and Unique Blackwater Castle Fairytale Garden Wedding of Sylviane & Derek – MrsRedheadlackwater Castle Fairytale Garden Wedding of Sylviane & Derek –

MrsRedhead Photography

I was waiting so long to share this gem with you guys… There is no words to describe how amazing and beautiful it was…

Sylviane and Derek

” I cannot express in words the exact process I followed as it was a real challenge. I planned everything ( bride) virtually and theoretically from my cell phone in Canada over the course of a year and a half. From Pinterest to Etsy to – I’m a savvy and artsy bride with a passion for event decorating and anything artistic to be honest! It was a rewarding but long and challenging process. I luckily had a solid team waiting for me upon our arrival and our in laws, my family were on hand to help me pull it all off once we arrived in Ireland. I knew we would have to pull together a million details on the day of the actual wedding with little preparation or rehearsal. This was daunting to say the least as I had planned everything completely on my own so I also knew if things did not go as planned I mostly had myself to blame! It all went swimmingly and I could not have been happier with how it all came together!

Did you have a specific theme?

Marie Antoinette meets a Viking meets Gothic enchanted forest meets game of thrones meets lord of the rings? It was a mixed bag. I grew up in a forest in a rural village by the sea in Eastern Canada so Nature is very much a part of who I am. I wanted lush greenery and moody hued and subdued florals. Grey, black, blush and dusty blue were present throughout. I did not want things to look authentic in keeping with the setting – a beautiful Irish Castle! I designed my own website, dress, invitations, theme, made my own decorations and did my own hair and makeup etc. I had a specific image in mind so I tried to mirror everything to follow this theme.

To Olga – MrsRedhead is simply outstanding. She has a definite style about her that captures raw moments in a very candidly and artfully crafted way. She has a very keen eye for amazing details and is superb to work with. She blended right in and everyone adored her and her second photographer Aleksandra immensely. We shared similar tastes which made collaboration with Olga a treat! She was easy going, authentic and true to her vision! I highly recommend her!!!

Photographer- Olga from MrsRedhead Photography Ireland

Second shooter – Aleksandra Skibniewska

Venue – Blackwater castle

• Wedding Dress: @frenchknotcouture (Etsy)

• Bridesmaids dresses: Chosen by bridesmaids – I simply said to wear black!

• Flowers: Mother of the bride gathered greenery and flowers from around the castle gardens the morning of the wedding!!!
• Groom(smen)’s suits: Bride picked out outfits in Toronto! American Eagle Skinny dit black denim jeans and Le château Vests!
• Accessories: Boutonniere – bride – necklaces for bridesmaids – chosen and partially made by: bride

magical romantic unique Blackwater castle Fairytale garden wedding in Ireland

• Stationery: Designed by bride
• Make Up & Hair: Bridal makeup = bride Bridesmaids makeup: Vivianne Vo – Brides hair = Bride – bridesmaids hair: La hair and beauty, Castletownroche
• Wedding Bands: The Bay
• Ceremony/Reception Music: The amazing mister Joe Giltrap on guitar and the lovely JP in piano!
• Anything else: Mike and Eileen who we rented with Blackwater castle along with the owners Mike and Sheila were absolutely lovely and super helpful! Adrian Daly of Made for you catering in Ireland went wayyyyyy above and beyond to pull off an absolutely spectacular charcuterie spread complete with a table made of moss and am enchanted forest themed dining room complete with Antlers and a deer head! (His own!) I could not have been happier with the job he did. His wife even came to help!

magical romantic unique Blackwater castle Fairytale garden wedding in IreMagical, Romantic and Unique Blackwater Castle Fairytale Garden Wedding of Sylviane & Derek – MrsRedheadland